1. Ellen Wade

    Makes me tear up just knowing how special of a place it is and the fact that I grew up there and have so many family and friends from that era. If it was only on the waterfront and my allergies would allow me to retire there.

  2. Edward Hunt

    Hello Fancy Farm. I’m William Edward Hunt known as Edward Hunt at St Jerome’s and I’m one of the many born and raised in Fancy Farm who left young and never came back. I was born, raised and educated by the Sisters of Charity, Nazareth, Ky at St Jerome’s. Back then there was both a grammar school and high school taught by nuns that is no more. I left Fancy Farm the day after I graduated from high school, May 23, 1953. I haven’t called Fancy Farm home since yet I still think of Fancy Farm as my home town. That has faded a lot over the years. My brother Joe of “Fancy Farm Mules” fame told me about this web site. The St Jerome Journal is mailed to me. I hardly recognize anyone mentioned in it. Mostly I look at the “Heaven’s Call” section to see who has passed on. Several members of my small graduating class, 11 girls and 9 boys have made that hit parade. As usual I’m lagging behind, have no plans to die at this time thank you.

    For those who might care I live in Riverbank, California. I’ve lived here since 2004 and expect to make my last stand here. This is heavy duty farm country, flat as a pancake and 100 foot thick top soil. I mess around with it but nothing serious. Right now I’m trying to eat all the oranges off one tree and can’t seem to make a dent, at least 500 of them. I have a tangerine tree. It’s insane, 1,000 or more. I give a lot away, This is gold country. I haven’t gone prospecting. We’re getting a lot of rain. That always washes new nuggets out and into the streams for easy panning. The largest deposit of gold in California was found 30 miles east of here. 85% of the gold in them thar hills is still there. Other than that not much happening here. Maybe take trip to Tahoe and see the 165 ft deep snow when the weather clears.

    Happy new year everyone. Think about you lovingly real often.

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